One of the darkest pictures I've drawn. I'm quite amazed at what an HB lead can acheive.
In the reference photo Oscar was lying on a bed of straw - so I feel I copped out somewhat in just drawing a smudged grey surface!
Oscar's chest and legs took quite a long time, as I really wanted the correct effect (hey, that rhymes!) of the direction of the fur and changing of one colour to the next. I also concentrated on individual stands of hair, not just a mass of solid colour.
The original photo was taken with a flash. Hence the ligher parts of Oscar's face actually are darker hairs reflecting the light from the camera. His face is dark brown and black, but that is not how it appears in the drawing due to this. In future drawings I will have to be careful of this - the pitfalls of greyscaling and grey lead pencil drawing!
The outlining of Oscar was a big challenge. His right ear was full of very obscure shapes that made no sense whatsoever.
With just about all my drawings, the outline always looks out of place, or on the weird side - until the shading is complete and you can step back and see why the outlining was the way it was after all. It's a good feeling.
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